"De Omslag is an independent, non-profit project and network organization in the field of participation"

    Course De Omslag: together for an inclusive future

    25 years for participation and inclusion

    De Omslag has been a leading knowledge network that is committed to an inclusive economy and society for almost twentyfive years. Our mission is clear and ambitious: everyone deserves a place in the city, with a say over their own life, learning, healthcare and work. We are building a city in which everyone can actively participate and no one is sidelined.

    Courageous space

    In the coming years, De Omslag will focus on increasing and making its impact more sustainable by sharing and developing knowledge. We focus on strengthening the social and solidarity economy and creating a “courageous space” where innovation can flourish. Coordination is essential. We want to give people the tools and confidence to actively shape their city and take control of their lives. Through co-creation we promote collaboration between participants and various knowledge sources, with the aim of a shared vision of the future.

    The power of networking

    De Omslag strongly believes in the power of networks. We build and strengthen our networks so that the mission has broad support and partners recognize themselves in the ambitions. This includes allies in innovative development practices, such as our participants, but also funds, cooperative practice partners and stakeholders from education and business. They are crucial to realizing our mission.

    Brave choices

    The future calls for courageous choices. De Omslag continually investigates different scenarios to maximize our impact. We carefully consider which activities best contribute to our mission and how we can achieve our goals. Stay tuned and join the movement towards an inclusive future!

    Site by Alsjeblaft!