"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"
SER has published a draft opinion on social entrepreneurship. More appreciation and recognition is needed to raise awareness for the social impact of social entrepreneurship. Measuring social impact would bring more transparency and awareness for the general public. SER also believes that government can help by setting up a national expertise centre to foster cooperation, knowledge generation and scale economies for impact measurement. SER advises governments, investors, clients, industry associates, educational institutions and scientists to give social enterprises a helping hand. These are just a few of the recommendations from SER in the advisory report on social enterprises.
De Omslag has previously contributed and has again sent a response to SER. We are pleased and satisfied with the advisory report and feel that it ties in with what we are trying to achieve at a municipal level and will help social enterprises gain recognition and visibility. But decisions have not yet been made.
We have highlighted two issues in our response. First, the broad definition by which, for example organisations that provide public services such as public transport and health care are considered as a social enterprise. This is, in our opinion, a completely different matter. Not every entrepreneur in care is a social enterprise. The second issue focuses on social impact and it’s lack of concrete definition. De Omslag has indicated that besides the Prestatieladder Socialer Ondernemen (PSO), more is possible, particularly in the elaboration and implementation of the Participation Act and realisation of the quota for employees with disabilities. Think about the vendibility of quota. Would you like to read the letter? You can download it here .