"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

Knowledge Session on Participation, Daytime Activities, and Employment in Amsterdam Noord on November 7

Knowledge Session on Participation, Daytime Activities, and Employment in Amsterdam Noord on November 7

Join us and help strengthen participation, daytime activities, and employment in Amsterdam. Promote collaboration and share your knowledge to make a real impact.

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Halfway through the neighborhood teams' assignment

Halfway through the neighborhood teams’ assignment

Buurtteam Amsterdam will be three years old in 2024. Through experience stories, the municipality and the neighborhood teams assess whether we are on the right track together. Via a digital Storytelling Point, everyone – Amsterdam residents, neighborhood team employees, and partner organizations – can share experiences.

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De Omslag builds on impact entrepreneurship in education

De Omslag builds on impact entrepreneurship in education

Together with professionals from local governments, the business community and educational institutions, De Omslag is committed to giving impact entrepreneurship a permanent place in Dutch education.

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European Year of Skills in social economy

European Year of Skills in social economy

Corine van de Burgt was honored to speak on a panel about the importance of focusing on developing skills for employees with support needs in work integration social enterprises in Europe. Together with the other amazing panelist Sarah de Heusch, Alessia Sebillo, Giuseppe Guerini and Gerardo Guitierrez & Ilana Gotz

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sharing knowledge helps impact

sharing knowledge helps impact

De Omslag is sometimes asked to organize knowledge sessions, including for council members. If an initiative for a motion that is adopted arises from it, it has an effect like the Hoogtanders motion for impactful purchasing in the municipality of Amsterdam.

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Week van de participatie

Week van de participatie

De Week van de participatie 2023 vond plaats van 26 t/m 29 juni. Dit jaar stond de Week in het teken van het investeren in mensen door ontwikkelingsgericht werken en leren mogelijk te maken.

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E-Learning dagbesteding online!

E-Learning dagbesteding online!

Op veler verzoek heeft De Omslag een e-learning over de functies van dagbesteding ontwikkeld. Deze e-learning helpt beroepskrachten de mogelijkheden van dagbesteding te leren kennen en geeft hen handvatten hoe dagbesteding ingezet kan worden voor mensen die niet gemakkelijk of zonder steun mee kunnen doen.

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Inspiration at Kesbeke

Inspiration at Kesbeke

On October 17, Foundation De Omslag organized a special meeting at Kesbeke Tafelzuur together with MKB Amsterdam.

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Conference Impact Entrepreneurship and Education

Conference Impact Entrepreneurship and Education

As part of the Erasmus+ collaboration project B-WISE, the ‘Working Conference Impact Entrepreneurship and Education’ will be organized on October 11 in collaboration with City Deal Impact Entrepreneurship.

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