"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

  • "Practice of Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship"

    Stichting De Omslag Shares European Knowledge at Social Economy Conference in Prague.

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  • The power of meeting

    Social enterprises? They are really the heroes in the stories about the crises that Europe and the rest of the world are now going through. De Omslag went looking for answers in our neighboring country Belgium.

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  • Succesful B2B partnerships

    The booklet of impactful B2B Partnerships, showcasing a bunch of exemplary practices between #WISEs and mainstream businesses is out!

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  • Investing in People

    As part of a European project, social entrepreneurs, ROC, and De Omslag have joined forces to invest in the people who work in social enterprises.

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  • E-Learning dagbesteding online!

    Op veler verzoek heeft De Omslag een e-learning over de functies van dagbesteding ontwikkeld. Deze e-learning helpt beroepskrachten de mogelijkheden van dagbesteding te leren kennen en geeft hen handvatten hoe dagbesteding ingezet kan worden voor mensen die niet gemakkelijk of zonder steun mee kunnen doen.

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reaching higher

The website jekuntmeer.nl gives a complete online overview of the possibilities for learning, working and doing in Amsterdam and Utrecht.

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social affairs

Social institutions and projects can offer work and day services for lower public costs. What do they need to achieve this? Clients and social service providers!

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Knowlegde Network Social Impact

With the Social Impact Knowledge Network, De Omslag will connect practical, legal and scientific knowledge to make the move from ‘cannot’ to ‘can do’.

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Participation guide for professionals

“De Groene Golf” was action research. All the findings from the De Groene Golf action research can now be found on the “Participation Guide for Professionals” website: https://participatiegids.nl/nl/home.

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Below you will find an overview of all recently published newsletters.

Kennis delen via e-learning | De Omslag | december 2023 | De Omslag

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Een leven lang leren | Week van de participatie | mei 2023 | De Omslag

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Investeren in mensen | april 2023 | De Omslag

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