"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

report on the Buy WISEly survey

Social Buying

The Buy WISEly survey reveals that more than half of the mainstream companies are aware of what social procurement is. However, most do not have an active policy or much knowledge about it, particularly concerning Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs). Even though there is little social procurement, it can grow. Half of the respondents indicated that they want to increase their social procurement.

This report presents the results of a survey sent to both WISEs and “mainstream businesses” (MBs) in Austria, Ireland, Italy, and the Netherlands. It provides an overview of the current knowledge of MBs (including their representation and networks) about social procurement in general and specifically regarding WISEs.

Marketing Strategy

A crucial finding is that WISEs often lack marketing strategies for B2B relationships. Many of them need knowledge sharing and awareness of the benefits of collaboration. The survey shows that social impact is often a shared goal in partnerships, which benefits both MBs in tenders and WISEs in terms of revenue and contributions to an inclusive labor market.

What can we do to strengthen B2B social procurement?

The survey asked which improvement actions are desired. The responses included promoting sustainable collaborations through site visits, knowledge sharing, and the use of social procurement platforms.
WISEs, which are often small SMEs, struggle with challenges to dedicate time to marketing due to their dual focus on both economic activity and employee support. The research highlights the importance of a strong marketing strategy for WISEs to improve B2B activities, remain competitive, and build sustainable relationships. Professional development in marketing and adapting e-commerce strategies are mentioned as valuable for the growth of WISEs in the B2B market.
You can find the report here

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