"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

Focus on Buy WISEly

So, we’re part of this cool European project called BuyWISEly. The Omslag teamed up with over 10 Dutch social enterprises for a conference in Liège about the social economy. We had this awesome focus group aimed at beefing up B2B social purchasing by regular businesses.

What’s the Buzz About?
We dove into some hot topics, like:
- The fact that lots of folks don’t really get what Work Integration Social Enterprises are all about,
- What kind of products and services they offer,
- And, oh yeah, what they can bring to the table for regular businesses, especially in terms of impact.

Let’s Talk Business
To get the ball rolling on partnerships between social enterprises and regular businesses, it’s crucial to squash any myths about the people working at social enterprises. These companies are super committed to making it normal to work with people who need a bit of extra support and to celebrate the diversity of their teams.

Overcoming Hurdles
Another big help is showing how social enterprises can assist regular businesses with their social return obligations or staffing needs. Social enterprises are a key solution for meeting CSRD (Corporate Sustainable Responsibility Directive) requirements, helping businesses fulfill their ‘corporate sustainable responsibility’ goals.

The aim of Buy WISEly is to enable Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) and mainstream businesses (MBs) in participating countries to create, promote, and implement transactional partnerships, including trade relationships, for a sustainable social B2B market. This initiative is all about meeting identified needs and tackling current labor market shortages through a holistic approach.

Pretty cool, right? Let’s make it happen! Buy WISEly

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