"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"
Because we consciously and unconsciously exclude many people in the recruitment and selection process, we delve into a model to prevent this. Open Hiring® leaves no room for the usual prejudices and doubts. As an employer, you put people’s options first and you connect to the local community of which you are a part. The door is open.
With the cooperation of:
The Participation Act creates unnecessarily high barriers for people with disabilities who are looking for work. In a large city like Amsterdam, less than 0.5% currently works in a social job, while 5% is at home on social assistance. This can be done better and more effectively.
Pantar, Milieuwerk and Breedweer are taking responsibility for a different approach. With few or no restrictive rules when hiring people, good guidance and the prevention of dropout (accommodation if necessary), we save social costs.
With the cooperation of:
Running a company from the bottom up, by the people who work there. That is a goal for a solidarity economy. But how much ownership do people actually want? Social entrepreneurship, can we or do we want to? And how difficult or easy is this in practice. (social) Cooperatives and companies provide extensive information about their practice, successes and dilemmas; use it to your advantage.
With the cooperation of:
New questions arise with a successful social enterprise. For example, about how you can scale up your company. Because raising capital involves risks. Investors often want to see a quick return. How do you secure the ‘purpose’ of your company? There is a danger of mission drift.
With the cooperation of:
Governments and other public institutions purchase many products and services from companies. Contracts above € 215,000 must be purchased for the European Public Procurement Directive, which has been translated in the Netherlands into the Public Procurement Act. How can we ensure that social procurement is not limited to a single successful example?
With the cooperation of:
People want work that suits them and do what they are good at. See the importance of matchmaking there. The same principle applies between a sheltered workshop and entrepreneurs. In this collaboration, entrepreneurs run the business side and care providers do what they do best: provide care.
We see many possibilities and opportunities by making room in this way. Learn from the bumps; What should you pay attention to as an entrepreneur & as a healthcare organization? And what do you need to realize as a healthcare organization before you start?
In collaboration with:
In an honest conversation about local application in municipalities; why is it not easy to take advantage of the opportunities offered by social enterprises?
With the cooperation of: