"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

personas and scenarios

The B-WISE report introduces the concepts of ‘personas’ and ‘scenarios’ to better understand and address the diverse digital skills needs within Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs). We explain the concepts here!

Strengthening digital skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs)

The B-WISE project, focused on strengthening the competencies of WISEs, places significant emphasis on technology and digitalization. This report, developed by a consortium of European partners, analyzes the digital skills needs of employees within WISEs, with the aim of designing more effective training programs.

Key Points of the Report

  • Diversity within WISEs: European WISEs vary significantly in objectives, operational styles, and size, leading to diverse digital skills needs.
  • Types of WISEs: The report introduces three main types of WISEs: Productive, Social, and Training-Oriented WISEs, each with unique characteristics and needs.
  • Personas: Various ‘personas’ within WISEs, such as employees with support needs and their mentors, are analyzed to better tailor specific skills development pathways.


In the report, scenarios describe different types of WISEs, each with its own characteristics and business models. These scenarios help identify specific needs and challenges that affect their operational and strategic approaches, particularly regarding digital and technological competencies. Three main types of WISEs are defined:

1. Productive WISEs (PWs): These focus heavily on production and generate most of their income from the sale of goods and services. They often compete directly with non-social businesses and require advanced technology and digital skills to remain competitive.

2. Social WISEs (SWs): These focus more on social integration and may include combinations of commercial activities and social programs. Their digital skills needs can vary depending on the extent to which technology is used to support their social goals.

3. Training-Oriented WISEs (TWs): These WISEs primarily focus on training and educating employees, often with the aim of preparing them for regular employment. Their focus is on developing both job-specific and digital skills.


In the report, personas represent the different people working within WISEs, including their roles, skills, and learning needs. These personas help design specific training programs tailored to their unique situations and backgrounds. Some examples of defined personas are:

- Enablers: These are the leaders and facilitators within WISEs who are crucial for creating a supportive work environment. They often need advanced management and digital skills.

- Supporters: These are the staff members who provide direct support to employees with support needs. Their digital skills must be sufficient to use various technological tools that can assist in their supportive tasks.

- Employees with Support Needs: This group includes the primary target of WISEs. Their training needs in digital skills are diverse and highly dependent on their personal backgrounds and the specific demands of their job roles.

An approach using the concepts of scenarios and personas enables WISEs to plan more targeted and effective interventions for strengthening digital skills, which is essential for both the operational efficiency and the social mission of the organization.

Next steps

The findings of the report will be used to design curricula that enhance the digital and technological competencies within WISEs, aimed at improving the employability and productivity of their employees.

Based on this analysis, the B-WISE project will develop training modules aligned with the identified needs, supported by a sector-wide skills strategy and sustainable action plans.

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